I'm not the only woman who takes part in these, right?? Sometimes I can arise victoriously from it and sometimes I lay down and wallow.
Case in point is today: I'm sick, REALLY sick. Can't-go-far-without-rescue-inhaler-sick. I've been sick for 5 days; so the house is crumbling despite Hubby's best efforts. Tomorrow, I get to take all three kids to Children's for a four-hour scream fest in a 25 sq. ft room, whether sick or not.
Yes, I want to wallow. I climbed into my plush bed to watch E News, eat my lunch from Panera and catch a nap amidst my pile of used tissues. And I did just that for awhile. BUT, then my mother posted this on Facebook and I read it, and then I listend to this.
So I decided to do some Christmas shopping through World Vision International. Since as I look around my room at all the crap on the floor; I realize I don't really NEED much more Target has to offer.
As I'm thinking online and listening to David Platt, Mr. Platt starts speaking about Isaiah 3. Scary stuff I tell you...those poor Women of Zion. Yet, with my own rings, vests, sashes, ornaments, hair, and pride, have I forgotten whose truly needy?
So I read a bit more of one of my favorite blogs.
Cry Haiti
So for some perspective: You, me, and most everyone we cross paths with daily LIVE LIKE ROYALTY.
Me? I'm sitting in a bed worth years of income to a family in Africa.
My home? A mansion.
My closet? Full of "purple linen" and shoes that would have fed a child for a month. My pantry? Full and from afar.
My wallet? Also full.
My children? Each have clothes on their backs, superior medical care, and full bellies EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Our weakest child, a picture of health by world standards. Clothed, with fat to spare. If she was born in half of the other countries world-wide would not have lived a day. Praise God. He is good.
So, yes, I'm still pretty sick. But this is not cholera and I am not destitute. I probably should go pick up my antibiotics at the pharmacy now, however.
So Mom, from three hours away, you managed to give me an attitude adjustment. I need to count my blessings and carry on.
1 comment:
Attitude adjustment? Me too Baby, me too! ...count blessings and carry on.
I wish I could have been there to help you out while you've been sick. I love you.
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