I'm back from the dead. I can't believe it's been over 20 months since I last posted!
The past couple years in a nut-shell:
We didn't move 0ut of state! Just in time, Jake's employer offered him a job he felt was a great fit, and it has been!
We DID move to a new neighborhood. I tell you, it rivals the more traumatic experiences of my life! Nine months later, we are still not quite un-packed and settled.
Ms. Chubby-Cheeks* (see below post) came and left. We loved her dearly. We got a fun toddler for a month. It seemed like a good time to go to Disney World as a break from foster care.
While there, we got a call about a newborn left in a toliet to die. Of course, we wanted her! When the case worker realized we were in Flordia, she let us know that she would pick another family because she wanted to place her NOW. Ouch. Apparently you can't vacation if you want to adopt. And if your wondering, yes, I did cry at The Happiest Place on Earth following that phone call.
God had a better plan!
As we pulled up to our home, a fellow foster mom called me and said, "I have your baby Jewel*! She is a really sweetie!" Apparently our placement worker forgot to tell us we were assigned to a medically fragile preemie whom we expressed interest in months prior! This little bit was sick, sick, sick! She needed me- and I could see how all those days sitting with our Eldest* at Children's was for a purpose. SOMEBODY had to advocate for this little soul!
Somewhere along the journey we got a approached for another sweet preemie, this one being fast-tracked to adoption. And as crazy as we are, we took him too. Yes, you got it; two special needs babies 5 months apart. Straight chaos and beautiful love, I tell you.
Over 200 doctor and therapy appointments, staffings, court hearings and thousands of prayers later... they are OURS! As much as I LOVE the ladies at our local DHS, its a wonderful thing to say "my child" and make decisions in their absolute best interest.
Hopefully I will have some time to fomally introduce each of them soon. Right now, they are singing to me over the baby monitor. : )
(* Using pseudo-names for some measure of privacy)

I love it!!! I'm so glad you're blogging again :)
Your family is beautiful, I am so happy those two babies are yours now! I'm glad to see that you are blogging again too :).
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