Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Not to brag or anything...

Hubby and I got 6 unadultered hours of alone time today! The stars finally aligned!

We had a big grown-up dinner at Olive Garden. We haven't eaten there since we dated. I had some super yummy steak gorgonzola that I'd love to show you a picture of it but I was to busy STUFFING it into my face.

Hubby also got to see the after-school crazies. I hope he pities me more now.

Speaking of school, that was kind of the reason that we went out to eat. We needed to sit down and hash out school plans for the kiddos next year. We want to homeschool. I was homeschooled some, and we feel like it will meet Eldest's needs best.

Jewel and Momma's Boy are doing well at school but every day it pricks me to drop them off for 7-8 long hours. I only get the rushed morning and the grouchy evening hours. This week I actually had an OT allude that maybe Jewel was calmer and happier and more integrated at school. Talk about bringing Momma Bear in me out.

In the end, we know we needed that babies in school this year to catch our breath and hash out some interim therapy issues but that it will consistently leave us uneasy to have them remain in care 40 hours a week when Mommy is at home.

But, truth be told, they are two very wild and crazy special needs toddlers. Who, in fact, find great pleasure in torturing each other and throwing some Academy Award caliber tantrums.

In my own power, this is a recipe for DISASTER. So $40 later, we have full bellies and no answers, but plenty of ideas. We may do it anyways, even at the risk of falling flat on our faces.

Kindergarten isn't that bad to repeat, right?

I kid, really. I think.


Unknown said...

Could you do part day school for the little ones? My (adopted) brother and sister are considered special needs (drug babies, premies, etc etc) so they do 1/2 day but really it's like 2 1/2 hours a day. They're older though and love and are learning tons.

My mom is DEFIANTLY not a homeschooler but I think it's a great idea for some kids. My nephew (and his siblings when they come) will be homeschooled. It takes lost of disciple but I know you have that!!

Good Luck!

Victoria said...

No AR DDS day hab requires full day. It's not worth it drive wise. I really abhor living in my car, though I'm doing it this year with three kids at three different schools!