I feel like the summer was an absolute blur! As a biting chill creeps into our house every morning when I wake... I get plum excited! What is it about the magic of Autumn?
Back to the topic now; this summer I spent it quite focused on work, so I was essentially absent or very grouchy in every one's lives. My internship was a wonderful learning process, I was able to really hone in on my clinical weaknesses and expound on my strengths. It was absolutely honoring to help learning disabled children markedly increase their decoding scores in just six weeks! It was even more exciting to help a cool kid with pragmatic issues gain skills that will aid him in making friends.
We were so blessed to have my sweet sister stay with us while I worked! WHAT A TROOPER!

As most of you know we are STILL remodeling, albeit slowly. She slept in the kitchen for an ENTIRE week as we were refinishing floors. In addition, the entire summer she tolerated NO door knobs! She worked hard on devoting lots of attention towards Eldest and helping me keep the house running. I hope the change of scenery helped her as much is helped me... she is facing alot of decisions as her senior year is in full swing.
In addition to my sis, we also welcomed another new family member to our family: Jack!
Jack, who is much bigger now, but still just as destructive. He is a Brittany mix and we absolutely love him. It was a surprise for Eldest (and me). He is a sweet, tender guy who is so smart that it tends to get him in alot of trouble. I don't remember dogs being so much dern work until I became an adult. All the same, we are grateful for him. I excited to say that while many things laying around the house may have bite marks all over them, my allergies have been markedly better being by being daily exposed to him. So, I guess we will keep him!
Hubby had a great summer. He finished a big project at work and then spoke a big CFO conference in Lake Tahoe, CA. Did I mention that he got to rent a nice little convertible? He said it was "all they had"....
The convertible... he barely fit in there, did you notice he's parked at In-N-Out, he said it was divine.
Before he went to Lake Tahoe he had an extended visit with family in Utah and Jackson Hole.
His dad and step-mom managed to get the whole bunch together! From the pictures it looked crazy, but I'm sure it was worth it. We hated that Eldest and I couldn't make it, but it was my most hectic two weeks in clinic for the entire semester.
This was unashamedely stole from Lisa's blog, b/c guy's don't value group photos as much as us gals! Hubby and his siblings! I love it!
I finished all my record audits and paperwork the first week in August and packed Sister up to head back home. I hated to see her go. She has one of the sweetest attitudes, even in really tough situations. I'm constantly mentioning to Hubby how amazed I am at her maturity at her age. Sure, at her age, I was married and approaching motherhood;but on several areas, she has the keen sense to think critically and not rely on her feelings.
I spent most of August just playing catch-up. I am dumb-founded at the management abilities of working and single moms; I have so much to learn! Later in August, Hubby and I went to Chicago for a few days to rest, reconnect, and celebrate our birthdays. It was so much fun!

Superb Tapas bar called Cafe' Iberico! Everything was phenomenal. Note to self: sure to clarify you went to a TAPAS bar and not a TOPLESS bar whenever discussing what you did on vacation.
Millenium Park: SO fun and kid friendly! WE went twice. Great photo opps for any of you hobby (or professional... mom! ) photographers.
The bean, or kidney, I don't remember the name, it looks like both! Great interactive lesson in light and perception for kids, BTW.
If it wasn't for missing Eldest, I might not have returned. I tried to talk Hubby into moving there, he suggested I visit in the winter before we think about that anymore. : )
So now, as the seasons change, we are all working to increase our measure of gratefulness. I am so blessed that we have the freedom to slow down and savor moments. Sure, there are days that feel far from leisurely. But the truth is we are all able to enjoy the journey without the pressure of what the next destination must be. Praise God!
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